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flasks and sippers banner at ICG

ICG is die beste vervaardigers, verskaffers, verskaffers van korporatiewe flesse en sipperbottels in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Indië
Ons bied ook 'n volledige reeks termo's, waterbottels, termostaalfles, vakuumfles, warm of koue bottels, sipperbottels en wye mondbottels, dubbelwandige fles, reisbottels, gimnasium-suppels, 24 uur warm en koue bottels.
ICG het 'n wye verskeidenheid vlekvrye staalbottels, koperbottels en glasbottels:
  Hierdie  produkte word in grootmaat hoeveelhede aan korporatiewe maatskappye in Delhi, Noida, gurgaon, Indië en verskeie ander lande verskaf. Aanpassing van  hierdie produkte met kliënte se logo druk is ook ons sterkpunt.

Promosie-termos, waterbottel, termostaal flip fles, vakuum fles, 24 uur warm of koue bottel fles, sipper bottels en breë mond bottels-
As jy op soek is na 'n profiel-verhoging produk wat beide nuttig en maklik is om te dra deur jou teikengehoor, probeer ons promosie-vakuumfles wat in groot getalle afgehaal kan word teen 'n billike prys. By enige liefdadigheidsgeleentheid wat jou onderneming geborg het, of 'n besigheidskonferensie of 'n persvergadering, of by 'n korporatiewe geleentheid, kan jy jou potensiële kliënte verras met hierdie uiters nuttige Sippers and Flasks.

Korporatiewe pasgemaakte vakuumfles/suppels:  Terwyl jy iets aan hulle geskenk wat hulle gereeld kan gebruik met jou maatskappy se logo daarop, kan jy ook seker maak dat jy in hul sig en dus in hul gedagtes bly. Al wat jy hoef te doen is om ons uitgebreide ontwerpe van ons Korporatiewe vlekvrye staalflesse te verken en 'n ontwerp en 'n kleur op te tel wat jou besigheid of maatskappyprofiel komplementeer en rus op ons laat.

As a wholesale Corporate Flasks supplier, Chemzone India can provide you with a cost-effective deal on promotional Flasks. Buy ICG Flasks in bulk and get a solution to your promotional needs for a long time to come. These Flasks do not necessitate expensive packaging or printing either.

Logo Printed Sippers, Flasks, Insulated Bottles -
Company logo printed Sipper Bottles are another great option that bring the concept of personalization to the fore. If you would like to bring in an element of unique identification to the promotional Sipper Bottles , you could explore the option of getting the names of your top clients or potential customers printed on one side of the Sipper Bottles, while the other side has the name of your company and its logo. Also as all are very health conscious , Stainless steel, Copper and Glass Bottles are in huge demand and make up an excellent gift.

Our corporate Vacuum Flasks, would prove to be a great idea for your marketing strategy, as these Vacuum Flasks make for a brilliant take-away from any public relations exercise or event. These Vacuum Flasks – when printed with the name and logo of your company – will serve as a brand reminder every time they are used. Their high utility value, clubbed with the exquisite designs . Of course, they also prove to be value for money. Why not explore these promotional Vacuum Flasks  next time round you plan a corporate event?

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